
When a tax firm needs administrative support

Zahra Hedayat
Dental CPA

Zahra's Story: drowning to smooth sailing 

Dental CPA is a boutique dental accounting firm with over 20 years of experience in helping new & established dentists purchase, set up, and efficiently run successful practices. With the help of a Managing Partner and distinguished tax expert like Zahra Hedayat, Dental CPA dedicates itself to developing comprehensive tax strategies to help clients save money.

Based in Calabasas while providing their services to dentists nationwide, Dental CPA’s success has been growing on a steady incline over the last two decades. However, this also meant a rapid influx of potential clients, inquiries, meetings and a lot of internal finances to focus on.

With the growth of the business, Zahra was neck-deep in day-to-day administrative and operational tasks that held her back from focusing on financial and advisory services. Instead she was busy trying to clear her inbox, accidentally double-booking herself into meetings and appointments, and delaying client follow-ups.

When trying to do it all didn’t work…

While Zahra had a few hands on deck for helping out with billing, proposals, renewals, client follow-ups — she still found herself having to manage all these nitty gritties on her own. Her sole focus couldn’t be her actual area of expertise: tax planning, financial accounting, and practice purchase set up.

A day in the life of Zahra Hedayat consisted of checking and sorting through numerous emails, scheduling meetings, following up with Natascha on pending billing, reaching out to the rest of the team to find out where everyone was on everything, and of course attending meetings.

With so many responsibilities on her plate, Zahra found herself missing or even double-booking meetings. Important emails were overlooked and worst of all, she was falling short on keeping her customers satisfied when there were long delays in sending out proposals and renewals.

Zahra Hedayat
Uvinya I

Gaining leverage through Uvinya

Through Oceans, Zahra was introduced to Uvinya Ilukpotha. Equipped with a First Class Honours degree in Business Analytics and Administration, Uvinya walked in with years of experience and expert knowledge. In her previous role she’d managed relationships with US-based apparel clientele and was well-versed in client relationship management and the service providing industry.

As she started working with Zahra and understanding where Dental CPA was starting to suffer due to the workload Zahra was having to pull on her own, Uvinya started by taking ownership of Zahra’s calendar. No more double-booking, meetings were now scheduled in an orderly fashion, ensuring sufficient time for Zahra’s advisory meetings with clients and the rest of the team.

After taking over Zahra’s inbox, she was now able to conduct client follow-ups promptly so no one felt unappreciated or dissatisfied. Uvinya’s assistance to Zahra goes beyond her and she works with members of Zahra’s wider team to now also look into proposals and renewals.

Most importantly, the billing process has been streamlined to ensure payments aren’t missed anymore-directly positively impacting the firm’s accounts. Uvinya implemented the use of Ignition, attending seminars and tutorials to optimize its use. With this tool she’s now able to ensure timely billing and she’s even gone on to implement new strategies through this platform, such as adding discounts for proposals and utilizing the instant billing feature to save more time.

Uvinya’s integration into Dental CPA has led to higher productivity for Zahra. Her inbox and calendar being managed means a significant drop in her stress levels and overall workload, which leaves more time for her to focus on providing her clients with the best in terms of tax and financial advisory.

Her clients too are feeling the impact of Zahra’s higher productivity as they now receive timely responses for their inquiries and they’re consistently followed up with — leading to happier clients and a stronger reputation for Dental CPA. 

“Uvi isn’t just managing my inbox and setting up my calendar; she has quickly become an invaluable asset to the team. Her ability to learn rapidly and her eagerness to go above and beyond have allowed her to take on much more responsibility. In addition to handling my billing, Uvi is now actively assisting my staff in streamlining our client onboarding process. Her proactive approach and dedication are making a significant impact on our operations.” - Zahra

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